Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Over come rm command limitation

To delete a large number of command when rm command fails.

 echo * | xargs /bin/rm -f

or use this 

find /path/to/files/ -type f -exec /bin/rm -f {} \;


ls | xargs rm -rf *

Finding all .mp3 files and move to new directory from shell prompt

find / -iname "*.mp3" -type f | xargs -I '{}' mv {} /mnt/mp3

Friday, October 3, 2008


TL Expired in Transit
This error message means that the number of required hops exceeds the Time to Live (TTL). To increase TTL, by use the ping -icommand. A routing loop may exist. Use the Tracert command to determine whether misconfigured routers have caused a routing loop.
Destination Host Unreachable
This error message means that no local or remote route exists for a destination host at the sending host or to a router. Troubleshoot the local host or the router's routing table.
Request Timed Out
This error message means that the Echo Reply messages were not received in the designated timeout period. By default, the designated timeout period is four seconds. Use the     ping -w command to increase the timeout.
Ping request could not find host
This error message means that the destination host name cannot be resolved. Verify the name and the availability of DNS or WINS servers.